Rural Electrification Corporation Govt of India
The organization is working with REC under the CSR project from Jan.2014. In this project rural women living in the BPL category have been targeted for intensive training of garments. There are 200 women beneficiaries working in the Sitapur and Barabanki districts being established Training cum production centers respectively. Under the social activities, Health care, Legal Right, Leadership development etc camps organize to create sensitivity for sake of development of individuals. At present, M/s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Lucknow is supporting to our both of the production centers and providing them employment through a huge supply of handkerchiefs and other cloth related work. The organization is also taking demand from State level traders for their sustainable livelihood support. The organization has got this association on the strong recommendation of Tehri Hydro Development Corporation RishikeshUttrakhand who is closely associated with organization for last 5 years.