The Shilp shree Mahila Sewa Samiti was established in the year 2002-2003 as a society incorporated under the Indian Societies Registration Act 1860. The organization Registered under CSR 1 approval, NGO Darpan, PWD( person with a disability) , DCH Handicraft, and also registered in TAN. Besides this, the organization is also granted exemption under Section 12 (a) & 80 G of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961. The organization was established and is being managed by dedicated team women artisans and social activists with the objectives of meeting the socio-economic developmental needs of the deprived and poorer sections of the society particularly in rural areas.

Vision of the Society

The organization has set its Vision to empower the resource poor community in managing development and welfare activities/schemes and local resources to meet their need in a participatory manner and collaborative spirit.

Mission of the Society

The organization has resolved to work for sustainable holistic development by empowering rural community with a focus to women and artisans by providing quality education, health, family welfare, vocational training and creating awareness, Conservation of environment and inculcation of values and culture” thereby achieving the overall objectives of contributing towards the all-round development of the deprived section of the society.

The major areas of developmental activities include:-

SHILP SHREE MAHILA SEWA SAMITI is distinguished by four core values, the essential and enduring tenets of our culture. At the very heart of all our actions, these shaped SHILP SHREE MAHILA SEWA SAMITI into what it is today and will continue to guide all our endeavours in the future.

  • Vocational/ Skill development training and employment oriented programmes for women and youths with emphasis on minorities and backward castes
  • Health care and Family welfare.
  • SHG formation, capacity building and promotion of institutional system of working
  • Cottage and handicraft development.
  • Programmes for sustainable agriculture.
  • Research studies, surveys and campaigns for holistic development of rural areas
  • Literacy and education promotion with a focus to women and school dropout/non-school going children
  • Welfare activities for socially excluded community
  • Envrionment conservation

Achievement Of The Organization

The organization has been initiating various social and development activities since 2003 for well beingof the common people. It is mainly focusing on women who are socially compressed and entrepreneurially active for their livelihood. The drop out adolescent girls, women, artisans and semi trained women etc. have been involved in this stream. To achieve good success ,the Govt of India , Corporate, Foreign Agency and state Govt have assisted us to activate these women groups for livelihood and gave sufficient infrastructure for training ,production and marketing we are just introducing new technical field of livelihood for women and young youth with the financial assistance of FVTRS (Foreign Funding). Plumbering ,Cookery and Bakery, Mobile repairing ,Information technology, nursing etc are some of new technical trades for training in which 180 male and female youth have been involved .

There are 20 women SHGs who have been linked with local nationalized banks and availing credits to mobilize their livelihood under some of garment making trades. The rural electrification Corporation Govt. of india has promoted these women SHGs in to the co operative society and provided them corpus fund, sales out let for enhancing business. Apart from above development activities, it is mobilizing various social activities focusing on education, health care, sanitation , personal hygiene, leadership development, training and capacity building of PRIs, sustainable agriculture, environment conservation in which minority women/SC/ST and other socially backward section of the society have been involved. The departments of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of U.P., Ministry of Minority Affairs Govt of India, Rural Electrification Corporation etc have grandly assisted us for mobilization of the project.