Functional Vocational Training and Research Society

It is Foreign Funding Project and its headquarters in india is Bengalore (Karnataka). It is dedicated for development of drop out girls, socially victimized women, and other women living in the difficult circumstances of the society. Mainly it provides skill development training, literacy and organization building for sustainability of their livelihood and standard of living.The organization got association with FVTRS in the year 2011 and spread its activities in barabanki and Lucknow districts and opened training centers in Anwari and Umra villages Block NinduraBarabanki and Behta, ItaunjaMahauna places of Lucknow district. Total 5 Training centers work continuously from its inception. Total 225 women got training under Garment making, Chikan, Zari appliqué work and beauty culture trades. At present they have been linked with local trade/ service providing agencies for their continuous livelihood.